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Hurt People, Hurt People. Be Merciful to Those Who Hurt You.

The lesson from Pastor Rick Warren on Daily Hope was about "premeditated mercy."

Looking for ways to do good to those who need it. Building the bridge of love to the unpopular. Those that are the outcasts or not easily accepted at work, in friends groups, in social settings.

Premeditated mercy is being kind to those who are offensive. Are you looking to win the argument or show kindness?

People are intentionally placed in your life. You never know why, but just ONE meeting of happenstance, can change your life. I can look back and think of so many! Long ago, the meeting of my dad to his now x-wife, Cathie, allowed me to have a great mom and an even larger family. Had that ONE meeting not have happened so many years ago, I would have never moved to Cleveland, never started working at Sunnyside, never had met my husband, and the list goes on and on. That ONE event, triggered a slew of events in my life that changed my life.

That's the kind of meeting that is easy to reflect on. But what about the people God is putting in front of you that aren't so easy to love. The "unlovable" people that come into your path. The person at the grocery store who is being rude. How do you respond?

God is watching your attitude. He wants you to have acts of mercy with a cheerful heart. Remember, hurt people, hurt people. What that person needs is a bridge of kindness. What can you do for them to show them that you are a person of mercy?

Could you offer to buy their groceries? Could you say "it seems like you are having a bad day, how could I help you? How can I serve you today to make your day a little better?"

Maybe if they seem in a hurry or frustrated by the wait, you offer to let them go first. Maybe they just need SOMEONE, ANYONE to show them kindness and grace.

Rick says, "mercy is defined as being patient with people's quirks, being helpful with peoples hurts."

In Ephesians 4, we are reminded to be completely humble, gentle, and patient. Make every effort to keep the unity, to speak truthfully, to not get angry and let harsh words come out of your mouth. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate.

Above all else, give people a second chance. Forgive the person who hurt you. Remember, resentment and bitterness are like you drinking rat poison and hoping the other person dies. You have been forgiven. Now it's time for you to show that same mercy to others.

How would you rate yourself on being merciful?

Give people what they need, not what they deserve. Love them, even when they are unlovable and may not deserve it. Give to someone without the expectation of getting anything in return. Be like Jesus.

Build a bridge of love through kindness and mercy.

Today, I will go out and hope that I can be known as "The Person of Mercy." Will you do the same?

Photo Credit: @tanner.price_

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