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Lead with Love: The Greatest Commandment

Love. It is the most powerful force in the world. But not just any love—Agape love. Defined as selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional, Agape love is caring about what is best for others, regardless of personal cost.

Definition of AGAPE

How often do we love with conditions attached? "I will love you if you do this for me." "I will care about you as long as you meet my expectations." But this is not the love we are called to. When you know Jesus, you understand that love is not transactional. Jesus loves you no matter what. He doesn’t wait for you to be perfect or to prove yourself worthy. He simply loves. And He commands us to do the same.

Jesus made it clear when He said, "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." (John 13:34) He didn’t say love when it’s convenient. He didn’t say love only those who agree with you. He simply said love—because love is the greatest and most important commandment.

"Above all things have fervent love for one another." (1 Peter 4:8)

Imagine if we all took this to heart. In a world filled with division, anger, and judgment, what would happen if we truly loved one another? What if we extended the kind of love Jesus showed? He sought out the lost, the broken, and the sinners. He embraced those society had cast aside. He saw past their failures and met them with grace.

And here’s the truth: each of us is a sinner. Not one of us is perfect. And no sin is greater than another. So why do we judge? Why do we hold others to standards we ourselves cannot meet? Jesus calls us not to judge but to love. Love is the greatest and most excellent expression of our faith. "Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us." (Ephesians 5:1-2)

Ask God to give you eyes to see the love He is already showing you. Ask God to reveal what is blocking your experience of His love. Let His love flow through you to others.

Agape love means putting others before ourselves. It means choosing kindness over resentment, grace over judgment, and compassion over criticism. It means loving when it’s hard, when it’s inconvenient, and when it costs us something.

So today, make the decision to lead with love. No conditions. No expectations. Just love.

Because love is the greatest commandment.

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