Have you ever tried to do something by "going it alone?" You have the best intentions, you start with amazing willpower, but willpower isn't enough in the end. You find yourself influenced by the people around you, but you aren't around the people that will help or encourage you along the way.
When I read this devotion this morning, it couldn't have been more spot on. This has been so prevelant in my journey over the last three years.
In my spiritual journey, my small group has been so powerful for me in my growth. I have grown leaps and bounds spiritually over the past five years. I am so grateful for my Thursday morning zoom group and the honesty and raw talks we have about where we are and where we are going.
Over the past three years, I have lost about 70 pounds, but I was stuck for about a year and couldn't lose any more weight, until I found a group of like-minded people that I could become accountable to in my journey of emotional, physical and healthy-eating habits. It has changed my life. I feel like I am not doing it alone, and I am growing (losing) faster than I could have imagined, but doing it in a healthy way. I feel better than I have ever felt and feel younger than I did five years ago. I am definitely more active and energetic.
They say you become most like the five people you spend the most time with. Who are you surrounding yourself with? Are they who you want to be? Are they going where you want to go? Do you need to find a group of people that will help you grow to become who YOU want to be? You don't have to settle. You can become healthier and happier by living with intention. It is truly a choice. I know it was for me.

If you would like a copy of any of the devotionals or books I reference, please send me an email (button below) and I would be happy to send you one. Please reference the title of the post/devotional to ensure I send you the correct devotional/author. See my mission in the "About Me" link.