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What Was Your Focus This Week?

About six years ago, one of the first services that I attended at my church talked about what is at the center of your life. It impacted me like no other service had. Fast forward, as I am in Orlando at a Maxwell Leadership conference, I watched my church service online. Low and behold, the topic was what is the center of your life. I always love when Pastor Jonathan uses his great drawing skills and flip chart...visuals are so impactful.

One of the questions Pastor Jonathan asked during the service was, "when you look back at your week, what was the center of your life?" Then, he went on to say, whatever that answer was is what you put at the center of your life. What you "worshipped." When you made a decision about your family, job, hobby, health this week, who did you consult, how did you make that decision? What was your center point?

I decided to draw out the image that Pastor Jonathan put on the flip chart as a reminder to me. Please forgive my drawing skills, I am not very good, but I think you will get the point. Whatever it is that is at the top of your agenda each week, your priority, is what you are idolizing. I know for me, I can look back over the weeks and know that I am not consistent in this. I can chase the "shiny nickel," I can fall into the excitement of something that takes me away from my focus of keeping Jesus at the center of my life. It's easy. It's quick. It happens before we even realize we are doing it. Until we have to unwind our actions. Sometimes this can be a conversation that isn't appropriate, sometimes it is a purchase I make, sometimes it is snoozing.

Another question Pastor Jonathan asked was, "when others look at your life, what do they see at the center of your life?" OUCH - not always are they seeing what I want them to see. I want them to always see that Jesus is at the center of all that I do. What do others see as your center when they look at your life? How would you finish this sentence?

"For to me, to live is ________."

There was so many more lessons in Pastor Jonathan's teaching today that can apply to anyone. Are you struggling with knowing what is at your center? What is your purpose? What are you idolizing? Take a won't regret the short hour of your time. It is well worth it.

If you would like a copy of any of the devotionals or books I reference, please send me an email (button below) and I would be happy to send you one. Please reference the title of the post/devotional to ensure I send you the correct devotional/author. See my mission in the "About Kelly" link.

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