A few days ago, my family caught 70 pounds of fish, and it took two guys and some really strong legs to carry that fish back up a steep incline and down a mile long trail to get the fish back to the car. The weight of all of the fish hanging in this picture below, plus another 15 pounds, was at one time hanging on my body as extra weight.
In 2016, when I was here fishing with some of my best friends and clients, I was 85 pounds heavier and the thought of having three layers of clothes on my bottom half, PLUS the waders, wasn't even an option. I was lucky to fit into the rain gear they provided me. The biggest difference is the trek we took as a family to get to these fish vs. journey for the fish in 2016. To get to the "fishing hole" this time, we hiked over 1.25 miles, climbing down steep, rocky terrain...and, yes, we also had to walk back up that same terrain to get back to the car. In 2016 we walked out of our cabin and got in a boat.
Never in my life would my knees have made it through this trek before. I would have been dying on the steep inclines and to be honest, I never would have tried it. God has blessed me with an innate desire to live a healthier life. Yes, I have to give up the "pleasures" of eating and drinking what I want, when I want BUT, in exchange, I get to spend days like this with my family that wouldn't have been possible before.
I am thankful that I have decided to "give up" what was holding me back from the life I have today. Every single one of my blood levels are in normal range, I am able to go out and do things I never could have attempted before, and most importantly, I can serve God with a fervent fire which burns so deeply that I now FEEL better and have the energy to serve him with all my might.
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
It hasn't been an easy road. In fact, it has taken three years to get here, and I still have another 25 pounds to go (God willing). I know that with consistency, the desire to live my best life, along with the support and encouragement of my family and friends, I will continue to live my life as the healthiest version of myself.
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