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According to Your Faith.

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

"According to your faith, let it be done to you." - Matthew 9:29

You get to choose how much God blesses your life - according to your Faith, let it be done to you. Read that again...Take it in...Read it again. 

In the sermon series by Rick Warren, he talks about "Expecting the Best." Here are some of my notes, but I greatly encourage you to listen!  (Episode 1 & Episode 2)

Faith is Expecting the Best.

Faith is not:

  • Positive Thinking

  • Wishful Thinking

"Expecting the best is the confidence assurance that God is in control of the future and that HE PLANS what is best in my life because He loves me." - Rick Warren

The pathway for your life is tailor-made; it is a custom-made plan for YOUR LIFE. Not the plan that is best for everyone else. It is often hard to understand, especially in the days of social media, comparison, and the worldly message that we need to be like others and please others, that it is OKAY to follow our path. The pathway God planned JUST FOR YOU! We only have one person to please: God. 

Why should you expect the best?

  • It honors God

  • It increases my strength and ability in life

  • It encourages others

The question becomes, "How can you increase your faith?" Here are some steps that Rick talks about during the series.  

  1. Start your morning with God. Start it in anticipation of His word. (I promise this makes a huge difference!). 

  2. Start your day with Good News. Your mood for that day starts with the first 10 minutes of your day.

  3. Start your day with worship. Turn on some faith-filled music.

  4. Think about God's promises throughout the day. When you memorize scripture, it helps you when you're facing trials and tribulations throughout the day. You can call upon these scriptures quickly when under stress. (Philippians 4:8)

  5. If you want to change your heart, listen to something positive, something filled with optimism. (Whatever you do, don't watch the news! It's filled with negativity!)

  6. Trust in God's love even when the circumstance looks bleak. Don't get discouraged. Expect God to act. 

When going through dark times:

  1. Remember how God helped you in the past, even when you didn't realize He was helping you.

  2. Expect Him to do it again.

  3. Trust in the love of God. You don't have to understand it; trust in it.

  4. Talk with other believers. Fellowship with other people of optimistic Faith.

There is a saying in the Bible that states, "Bad company corrupts good character" - don't hang out with cynical people; they only bring you down.  

In closing, say this prayer:  

"God, thank you in advance for all you will do for me in the next "xx" days. I look forward with great anticipation to what you have in store for me, as I completely trust in your plan, even though I may not understand it at this time." 

Put your trust in God and EXPECT THE BEST!

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