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Fail. Persist. Succeed. Fail. Persist. Succeed.

Yep, that's the story of my life.

As I was walking through the airport this morning trying to get my 5,000 steps in before boarding the plane and eating my breakfast, I saw this ad from It really helped me as I have been pretty down on myself the past two days.

If you have followed me for any period of time or listened to me speak, you know I have a HORRIBLE habit of snoozing. I swear it's going to be my demise.

I have been underwater busy all week long, getting to bed later than desired and therefore, making excuses on not getting up when my alarm goes off. Even though I know I would be much more aligned and productive if I JUST GOT UP!

I have talked about this in my small group, in my transformation tables, with my executive coach, in my speaking events, with my family, and the list goes on and on. continues. Snooze, snooze, snooze.

Yesterday, I just really wanted to throw the towel in, but I realize I can't. I need to keep failing forward. I need to be persistent. Because, in all actuality, I am SO MUCH BETTER with my morning routine and consistency. I am not perfect, and definitely want to be better, but when I look at my "gain" rather than my "gap," I have made HUGE a progress the past 5 years of my life.

Back to the ad I saw this morning. It reminded me to persist, be consistent and most importantly, even when I fail, try again.

I thought about what I have gained in the past five years of being "better" at snoozing than in the past:

  1. Improved relationship with God.

  2. Consistent exercise each morning.

  3. Lost over 60 pounds.

  4. Can walk up many, many flights of stairs.

  5. Calm and present, not chaotically moving through life.

I could go on and on, but you get the point. When I am consistent, consistency compounds. Yep, I'll fail, but with persistence, and getting back up and trying again, I win in the end.

If you would like a copy of any of the devotionals or books I reference, please send me an email (button below) and I would be happy to send you one. Please reference the title of the post/devotional to ensure I send you the correct devotional/author. See my mission in the "About Kelly" link.

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My overall goal is to help create healthy, happy humans through sharing the Christian Wisdom and Servant Leadership principles as I discover them along the way.  I also have a very aggressive goal in life....

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