Phew! Yesterday was quite a day...and I definitely could have thrown in the towel and gave up on eating HEALTHe!
The day started off great! I got up without snoozing, hit the gym, got my steps in, 60+ minutes of prayer, packed, and was ready for the food that I had ordered in advance to be delivered and for me to head off to the airport with my morning routine completed and a day of success ahead of me.
Well, I completely forgot that I was hosting a Transformation Tables group at 8:30 in the morning, which I could never have done anyway, because I needed to leave for the airport. Then, room service never delivered my food and the Bellman never showed up to pick up our bags. That's when the chaos began. Off we go hauling our bags quickly across the hotel to jump on the shuttle just in time.
We get to the airport and all looks to be going well until we get through customs and they ask me if I have any food. Yes, I proclaim that I have some beef jerky (my protein snack for the plane). That quickly led to us being hauled into the agriculture area and my beef jerky is confiscated. So now, I no longer have my beef jerky, and I still haven't eaten breakfast.
That's ok, I say to myself. I will just go to a restaurant and order the egg and slice of toast that never showed up to my room. We stand in line at the restaurant only to be told that they are on a "kitchen hold" and are not seating anyone for 20 minutes as they are too backed up. So we leave and go to try and find something else to eat. We head to Starbucks, and they have no egg bites, head to the Hudson gift shop, where there are normally some healthier snacks...not one, not a protein or healthy snack to be found. So, back we go to the restaurant and decide to just go ahead and wait. Now, we are told that they are no longer seating for breakfast, and that they will begin seating for lunch in 20 minutes. Fine. We wait. But honestly, the last thing I wanted for breakfast was a Caesar salad or a burger. But, we wait. At this point, I am over 10,000 steps into my day, and SUPER HUNGRY.
We finally get seated, wait about 10 minutes to be greeted, and in the time of waiting I remember John Maxwell's story about how he waited to play on a golf course and how he eventually got to play. So, using some of those ideas, I pulled out a $100 bill and a blessing card and said to the waiter, "Good morning, I am really hoping you could make my day. I have a $100 tip for the cook if he could just do me a favor and make me two eggs with a slice of toast. And, if you could do that, there would be a tip like this for you too." Off he went and low and behold I had not only two eggs, but three (a protein snack for later!!).
But, the chaos didn't stop there. As we were flying to Charlotte, we got notice that our flight to Cleveland was cancelled. I quickly hopped on the AA app and was able to get us rebooked, but not into Cleveland, into Akron, 45 minutes from our home. No problem, other than we were guaranteed not to have our luggage and no time for lunch. I buy Bingo and myself some cheese as a snack and off we go (15k steps later).
Finally, we land in Akron, we are lucky enough to get a nice Uber driver and we get home about 7:30 to get something to eat...
This is the thing. I had every excuse in the world to throw in the towel, give up, grab an unhealthy snack and go on my way. After all, what choices did I have. But, I didn't. I found solutions, not excuses. Yes, it cost me a little, but in the end, I win. I didn't let all of the obstacles knock me down. I even borrowed eggs when I got home from my sissy to meal prep for today.
I have to ask you - what would you have done? If it was me even 90 days ago, I would have given in to the challenge. But, not today. SOLUTIONS, NOT EXCUSES. When I got up today, and randomly chose a tank top to workout in, and this was the saying, I just knew I was called to write about my experience. We still don't have our luggage, but we do have a win for the day!

If you would like a copy of any of the devotionals or books I reference, please send me an email (button below) and I would be happy to send you one. Please reference the title of the post/devotional to ensure I send you the correct devotional/author. See my mission in the "About Me" link.
So proud of you solutions not excuses love it
I love this. Thank you for reminding us that we do have choices and that even in the chaos, we can stay true to ourselves!