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Get in the River

Let go and launch out. But something is stopping you. Probably on...

There is a path we are being led to follow, but we don't. According to Rick Warren, there are a few reasons for that in these two podcasts: Episode 1 and Episode 2 (Stretching My Imagination).

Doubt. Fear. Lack of Faith. Let's dive deeper into how to launch out, let go, and "get in the river."

When God wanted his people to cross the Red Sea, he parted it first so they could cross it. Then, when He asked them to cross the Jordan River, He asked them to step in BEFORE He cleared the way. He wanted to see their faith in advance of helping them. He wanted them to trust in Him completely. That is what He is asking of us. Have faith, get in the river, and then He will show us the way and make our paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)


Doubt limits your potential. Be bold and strong, and banish fear and doubt. Doubt is a choice. Whenever you doubt, you choose to doubt - whether you are doubting yourself, God, or others. Doubt your doubts, and believe your beliefs. Comparing your abilities to others causes you to doubt your abilities. Comparison fills you with doubt. You are unique. Be you. Stop comparing. Stop doubting.


However checkered your past, forget about it, learn from it, fail forward. No one is perfect. Everyone used for great things in the Bible had checkered pasts: murderers, thieves, adulterers, sinners...God doesn't care where you have been; He is much more concerned about where your feet are heading NOW and what direction you are headed. God wants you to face forward in faith, not backward.


Get in the book of the Bible. There are over 7,000 promises in the Bible, like blank checks waiting to be cashed. Build your life on those promises. Start doing what God wants you to do. God will support you wherever you go if you get into the book and discover the promises meant for you. It reminds me of my favorite scripture, Ephesians 2;10. The one I live my life by: "We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, to do GOOD WORKS, which God PREPARED IN ADVANCE for us to do."


When your battle in life is one battle after another - you can't give up. Lean on the Lord, let go of doubt, look for the promises in the Bible, and did I say LEAN on the Lord? Trust Him to hold you up. He wants you to lean on HIM! AND lean on me; I am here for you too!

Be confident, don't doubt. You will lose your fear when you keep God near. Don't lean on the approval of others for your strength. As humans, we let ourselves down all of the time and don't trust just in ourselves. Look back at Proverbs 3. He WILL make our paths clear when we lean INTO Him and the promises He has made.


Step out in faith despite your fears, feelings, and doubts. Do something in your life that shows God the faith you have. Sometimes, God is waiting for you to start walking first, to take that first step before He makes the path clear for you. He wants to see your faith first. He wants you to put your feet in the river.


What is in the way of you getting in the river?

What is the first thing you should do when you have fear? DO IT ANYWAY.

Launch out in faith. You are never too old to make the rest of your life the best days of your life.

What if your life was totally and irrevocably in God's hands? You would positively know why you are here. What YOUR path is.

Most people never feel the thrill of being used by God. They don't lean on the Lord and do what he has planned for them. Don't use prayer as a reason to procrastinate. Start doing something, take steps, and pray along the way.

Most importantly, get in the river...

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